Tham Ma Pass – the horse strength evaluation

Tham Ma pass is one of the most impressive winding slopes on the loop journey that you cannot miss. In the past, it was used by locals to evaluate the strength of horses. Standing on the top, you can admire the panoramic view of the beautiful slope with a road running between two standing rock walls. Let’s explore it with LOKA Ha Giang!

Tham Ma Pass
Tham Ma Pass with lovely Hmong children

Still located on the Hanh Phuc road – 4C highway, Tham Ma Pass is about 5 km long, stretching from Van Chai to Lung Thau commune, Dong Van town, at an altitude of about 1500m above sea level, with many twists and turns between “two rock walls”. Therefore, you can easily find this location on Google Maps as “Tham Ma Pass ” (Doc Tham Ma) and add it to your Ha Giang Loop itinerary.

Weak horses will be taken to make Thang Co (a specialty of the Mong people)

Tham Ma Pass route
Tham Ma Pass route

In the past, people used horses to carry goods from the bottom to the top of this slope. Horses that could reach the top and still be healthy were kept, while those that were weak at the end of the slope were taken for slaughtering, put into Thang Co pan, and then sold in the highland markets. Therefore, Tham Ma Pass is literally understood as a slope used to “evaluate the strength of horses”.

Tham Ma Pass used to evaluate the strength of horses
Tham Ma Pass used to evaluate the strength of horses

Today, as tourism develops, Tham Ma is one of the ideal destinations for visitors to explore Ha Giang. Besides the beauty of the slope are embellished pictures of Hmong children carrying flowers. And if you want to find a place to contemplate the super beautiful sunset, you stand in the right place.

Few things must be noted at Tham Ma Pass

Take nice pictures with Tham Ma Pass
Take nice pictures with Tham Ma Pass

Currently, many local children and elderly people carry flower baskets with the purpose of taking photos with tourists. Therefore, if you want to take photos, consider paying an equitable fee.

Tham Ma Pass with lovely Hmong children
Tham Ma Pass with lovely Hmong children

Absolutely do not give money or candy to children and locals without any appropriate reason.

Trash should be in designated areas.

Tham Ma Pass route
Tham Ma Pass route

The next recommended destination on your journey by LOKA Ha Giang is “The Hmong King Palace“. If you have any contributions to Ha Giang regarding this attraction, please leave your comment for us. Or if you have any difficulties in your upcoming or current trip, just contact us. We are ready to support you for a suitable and memorable Ha Giang trip. Have a good journey!

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